How do I improve my serve and return in squash?

Elevate your squash game with expert tips on mastering serves and returns for a competitive edge on the court. Learn key strategies now!

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Photo by Motion Lady / Unsplash

When it comes to mastering the art of squash, the serve and return are two critical aspects that can make or break your game. If you want to elevate your performance on the court, you must focus on honing your skills in these areas. Whether you are a beginner looking to improve your game or a seasoned player looking to refine your technique, there are several key tips and strategies that can help you take your serve and return to the next level. In this blog post, you will learn valuable insights and techniques that will enable you to enhance your serve and return, ultimately giving you the competitive edge on the court.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on technique: Improving your serve and return in squash requires a strong focus on the fundamental techniques. This includes proper grip, body positioning, and swing mechanics.

  • Practice consistently: Regular practice is essential for honing your serve and return skills. Set aside dedicated time to work on drills and exercises that target these specific areas of the game.

  • Seek feedback and coaching: Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from more experienced players or seek out a squash coach. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to improve your serve and return technique.

Mastering the Serve

Some of the most important aspects of squash are your serve and return. These are two skills that can make or break a match. If you want to improve your skills, it is essential to understand the mechanics and strategies of serving and returning. For a comprehensive guide, you can visit Serving and Returning in Squash for further insights.

Types of Serves in Squash

When it comes to serving in squash, there are several different types you can use to keep your opponent on their toes. The main types of serves include the lob, drive, boast, and the drop shot. Each type of serve has its own unique benefits and can be utilized strategically based on the situation. Perceiving your opponent's positioning and adjusting your serve accordingly can give you the upper hand during a match.


A high, arching shot that sends the ball deep into the back of the court, forcing your opponent to retreat.


A fast, low shot that travels parallel to the side walls, making it difficult for your opponent to return.


A shot that hits the side wall before reaching the front wall, redirecting the ball in an unexpected direction.

Drop Shot

A shot that is aimed to fall close to the front wall, requiring your opponent to quickly move forward to retrieve it.

Techniques for an Effective Serve

When it comes to serving effectively in squash, it is crucial to master your technique. Focus on fluidity in your motion and ensure you have a strong follow-through to generate power and accuracy. Additionally, varying the placement and speed of your serves can keep your opponent guessing and off-balance. By mastering these techniques, you can gain a significant advantage in your matches.

Improving the Return

Unlike the serve, the return in squash can be a bit more challenging as you have less control over the pace and placement of the ball. However, with the right techniques and strategies, you can greatly improve your return game and put pressure on your opponent. Here are some tips to help you improve your return in squash.

Anticipation and Positioning

When it comes to improving your return, anticipation and positioning are key. Anticipating your opponent's shot and positioning yourself in the right place on the court can give you a huge advantage in returning the ball. By reading your opponent's body language and racket position, you can anticipate where the ball is likely to go and position yourself accordingly. This will allow you to make a quicker and more accurate return, putting pressure on your opponent and gaining control of the rally.

Return Strategies

Having a solid return strategy is essential in squash. One effective strategy is to focus on hitting the ball deep and tight to the side wall, forcing your opponent into a difficult position and limiting their options for a strong return. Another strategy is to vary the pace and placement of your returns, keeping your opponent off balance and making it more difficult for them to anticipate your shots. Additionally, using deception and changing up your shot selection can help keep your opponent guessing and give you the upper hand in the rally.

By focusing on anticipation, positioning, and utilizing effective return strategies, you can greatly improve your return game in squash and put pressure on your opponent. Youll be able to anticipate your opponent's shots better and position yourself more effectively, allowing you to make stronger and more accurate returns. Incorporating return strategies will give you the edge in each rally, making it more difficult for your opponent to return your shots and giving you control of the game.

Practice Routines and Drills

To improve your serve and return in squash, practice routines and drills are essential. They help you develop accuracy, speed, and reaction time, which are crucial for a successful game. One valuable resource for finding various squash drills is this Squash Tips: Improve Your Backhand Return Of Serve video that provides practical demonstrations and valuable tips for improving both serve and return.

Serving Drills for Consistency and Accuracy

When it comes to serving in squash, consistency and accuracy are key. To ensure you can deliver a precise and effective serve every time, you should focus on drills that target these aspects. One of the most effective drills is the 'target hitting' drill, where you aim to hit specific sections of the service box repeatedly. This drill not only helps improve your accuracy but also enhances your ability to maintain consistency under pressure. Additionally, regularly practicing your serve under match-like conditions will help you build the mental fortitude needed to perform consistently during games.

Return Drills to Enhance Reaction and Speed

Enhancing your reaction time and speed for returns is crucial for dominating the game. To improve in this area, focus on specific drills that challenge your reaction time and explosiveness. One popular drill is the 'volley return' drill, where you practice returning the ball immediately after it bounces close to the front wall. This drill helps you develop a quick reaction time and improves your ability to return shots from tight angles. Another beneficial drill is the 'ghosting' drill, which involves moving around the court and practicing your return without an opponent. This helps improve your footwork and agility, essential for effective returns. By incorporating these serving and return drills into your practice routine, you can effectively improve your serve and return in squash. Consistent practice and dedication to these drills will undoubtedly elevate your game and make you a more formidable opponent on the squash court. Remember, the key to mastering these skills is regular and focused practice, so make these drills a regular part of your training regimen.

Equipment and Physical Conditioning

Not only does your technique play a crucial role in improving your serve and return in squash, but the right equipment and physical conditioning also play a significant part in enhancing your game. In this chapter, we will discuss the importance of choosing the right racquet and gear, as well as fitness and flexibility exercises to improve your serve and return.

Choosing the Right Racquet and Gear

When it comes to choosing the right racquet and gear for squash, it's important to consider the weight, grip size, and string tension of the racquet. A racquet that is too heavy can cause fatigue and lead to decreased performance, while a racquet with the wrong grip size can affect your control and comfort during play. It's also essential to invest in quality goggles to protect your eyes from potential injury due to fast-moving balls. Furthermore, ensure you have appropriate footwear that provides support and stability to move swiftly across the court, reducing the risk of injuries and improving your agility.

Fitness and Flexibility Exercises for Better Serve and Return

Improving your serve and return in squash also requires proper physical conditioning. Engaging in fitness and flexibility exercises can enhance your agility, speed, and power on the court. Incorporating exercises such as lunges, squats, and agility drills can improve your lower body strength and overall stability. Additionally, focusing on flexibility exercises that target your shoulders, back, and hamstrings can enhance your range of motion, allowing you to execute powerful serves and swift returns with ease.

To wrap up

To improve your serve and return in squash, it is essential to focus on technique, positioning, and footwork. By making sure you have a consistent and accurate serve, and by mastering the art of returning your opponent's shots, you will be able to gain an advantage on the court. Practice regularly, pay attention to your grip, and make use of various strategies to improve your overall game. With dedication and determination, you can refine your skills and become a more formidable opponent in squash.


Q: What are some tips for improving my serve in squash?

A: To improve your serve in squash, focus on your technique and positioning. Make sure to toss the ball high enough so you can strike it at the perfect moment. Additionally, try to vary your serves to keep your opponent guessing. Finally, practice consistently to build muscle memory and improve accuracy.

Q: How can I develop a better return in squash?

A: To develop a better return in squash, work on your footwork and anticipation. Position yourself in a way that allows you to quickly react to your opponent's shot. Focus on hitting the ball early and with control, aiming for targets on the court. Additionally, practice returning different types of shots to improve your versatility.

Q: What are some training exercises to enhance my serve and return in squash?

A: Training exercises to enhance your serve and return in squash include solo drills such as hitting the ball against a wall, practicing different types of serves and returns, and working on your movement and footwork. You can also do specific exercises to improve your strength and agility, which are essential for executing powerful serves and effective returns.