The Art of Approach Shots - Strategies and Tips for Tennis Success

Elevate your tennis game with expert strategies and tips for mastering approach shots. Dominate the court and outsmart your opponents.

Photo by Chino Rocha / Unsplash

Approach shots, often hailed as the "piece de resistance" of the game, are the key to unraveling your opponent's defense and paving your way towards victory. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the strategies and tips that will elevate your approach shot game to new heights, ensuring you outsmart and outmaneuver your rivals on the court.

Approach shots, if executed with precision and tact, possess the power to turn the tide of any match. However, they also pose a set of challenges that demand your utmost attention and finesse. The most perilous aspect of approach shots lies in their delicate timing, as well as the potential consequences of an improperly executed shot. A mistimed or misdirected approach shot can leave you stranded in no-man's land, providing your opponent with a golden opportunity to seize control of the point. On the flip side, a well-executed approach shot can be your ticket to success, forcing your opponent into a defensive position and setting you up for a potentially winning volley. So, let us equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to make every approach shot count and bring your tennis game to a whole new level.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper footwork is essential: The success of your approach shots in tennis greatly depends on your footwork. To effectively approach the net, you need to have quick and precise footwork. Ensure that you are in the right position and maintain balance while executing your shot.

  • Strategic shot selection: Choose the right approach shot based on the situation and your opponent's positioning. Understanding the court positioning and your opponent's weaknesses will help you decide whether to hit a drop shot, a deep approach shot, or a passing shot.

  • Effective use of angles: Incorporating angles in your approach shots can put additional pressure on your opponent and open up the court. Aim to hit your shots diagonally rather than straight down the center, forcing your opponent to cover more ground and increasing your chances of success.

Basics of Approach Shots in Tennis

Clearly, approach shots are an essential aspect of any successful tennis game. Mastering the art of approach shots requires a combination of strategy, skill, and proper execution. In this chapter, we will delve into the basics of approach shots, including the defining characteristics, the importance of timing and execution, as well as various traditional and modern approaches that you can incorporate into your game. By understanding these fundamentals, you can elevate your tennis performance and gain an edge over your opponents.

Defining Approach Shots

When it comes to tennis, approach shots can be defined as shots that are hit in a way to get you closer to the net, ultimately putting you in an advantageous position to finish off the point. These shots are typically hit with the intention of following them up with a volley or an overhead, allowing you to apply pressure on your opponent and dictate the flow of the game. Approach shots are usually executed within the baseline or just behind it, and they require precision and finesse to keep the ball low and close to the sidelines.

One of the key aspects of approach shots is their ability to control the point. By hitting a well-executed approach shot, you can force your opponent into making difficult shots, putting them on the defensive. Additionally, a strong approach shot can also enable you to disrupt your opponent's rhythm, making it harder for them to anticipate your next move. It is crucial to remember that approach shots are not simply a means to get to the net, but rather a strategic play that sets you up for success.

Timing and Execution of the Shot

Timing and execution play integral roles in the success of your approach shots. The moment you decide to come to the net, you should be ready to move swiftly and decisively towards it. Your positioning should be such that you have ample time and space to reach the ball comfortably. This requires a combination of anticipation and footwork, allowing you to arrive at the optimal spot to execute your shot.

Once you have positioned yourself appropriately, focus on the execution of the shot. Keep in mind that the ideal approach shot is hit with depth, control, and angle. Aim to hit the ball deep into your opponent's court, making it harder for them to respond effectively. Maintaining control is crucial, as an approach shot that is too powerful could result in your opponent simply returning it with ease or even hitting a passing shot. Additionally, consider incorporating angles into your approach shots to further challenge your opponent's ability to counterattack.

Traditional and Modern Approach Shots

When it comes to approach shots, both traditional and modern techniques have their merits. Traditional approach shots involve hitting a slice or topspin shot down the line or crosscourt, putting pressure on your opponent and forcing them to hit on the run. These shots are effective in creating opportunities to come to the net and finish points quickly.

On the other hand, modern approach shots have gained popularity in recent years. These shots often involve hitting a powerful groundstroke, such as a forehand or a backhand, closer to the baseline. The intent is to put your opponent on the defensive, making it difficult for them to hit a strong passing shot. By utilizing modern techniques, you can keep your opponent guessing and increase your chances of maintaining control over the point.

Remember, the choice between traditional and modern approach shots depends on various factors, including your playing style, your opponent's weaknesses, and the specific situation on the court. Stay adaptable and experiment with different approaches to find the strategy that works best for you.

Ideal Conditions for an Approach Shot

Your approach shot in tennis is a crucial part of a successful game. It allows you to take control of the point by moving forward and putting pressure on your opponent. To execute a successful approach shot, you need to consider the ideal conditions that will maximize your chances of success.

Recognizing Opportunities

Recognizing the right opportunity to approach the net is key to a successful approach shot. You need to be able to assess the situation quickly and make a confident decision. Look for moments when your opponent hits a weak or short shot, putting them on the defensive. Also, keep an eye out for when your opponent is out of position, giving you a higher chance of hitting a winning shot. Trust your instincts and take advantage of these opportunities to approach the net.

Another important aspect of recognizing opportunities is understanding your opponent's playing style. If your opponent tends to hit weak volleys or struggles with low balls, it may be an ideal opportunity to approach the net. Pay attention to their strengths and weaknesses, and use this knowledge to your advantage.

Choosing the Right Ball

Choosing the right ball to approach the net can greatly affect the success of your shot. Aim to take control of the point by hitting a deep and penetrating shot. You want to force your opponent to hit up instead of hitting down on the ball, giving you better positioning and a higher chance of winning the point.

Keep in mind that not all shots are suitable for approaching the net. If your opponent hits a powerful shot deep into the court, it might be wiser to stay back and maintain a defensive position. However, if they hit a short ball or a weak shot, it's an excellent opportunity to move forward and take control of the point.

Positioning for the Shot

Proper positioning is crucial for executing a successful approach shot. As you approach the net, ensure that you are in an optimal position to hit the ball comfortably. It is recommended to position yourself slightly inside the baseline but still with enough space to reach wider shots.

When approaching the net, maintain a low and balanced stance, allowing for quick movements and easy adjustments. This will enable you to react efficiently to unexpected shots and make the necessary adjustments to maintain control of the point.

Remember, the key to a successful approach shot lies in recognizing the right opportunities, choosing the right ball to attack, and positioning yourself effectively. By mastering these aspects, you will greatly increase your chances of success on the court.

Types of Approach Shots

After understanding the importance of approach shots in your tennis game, it is crucial to have an arsenal of shots to choose from. Different situations on the court call for different types of approach shots, each with its own unique characteristics and strategies. Let's explore some of the most effective approaches you can incorporate into your game.

Chip and Charge Approach Shot

The chip and charge approach shot is a classic technique that requires finesse and speed. As you approach the net, you hit a low, controlled shot, often with backspin, which barely clears the net and forces your opponent into a difficult position. By moving swiftly towards the net, you apply pressure, giving your opponent less time to react. This approach shot is particularly effective on fast-paced surfaces like grass or indoor hard courts where the ball stays low and the bounce is predictable.

To execute the chip and charge approach shot successfully, it is essential to have a solid slice backhand or forehand. This shot allows you to keep the ball low and skidding, making it challenging for your opponent to hit a powerful return. The chip and charge approach shot can be especially useful when playing against defensive players who prefer to stay at the back of the court.

Slice Approach Shot

The slice approach shot is another excellent option to keep your opponents on their toes. With a slice approach shot, you generate backspin on the ball, causing it to arc downward toward the court. This shot is most effective when hit low and close to the sideline, making it difficult for your opponent to generate power or hit a clean passing shot.

By utilizing the slice approach shot, you can vary the pace and trajectory of your shots, adding unpredictability to your game. This shot also allows you to approach the net while keeping the ball low, forcing your opponent to hit an uncomfortable shot from a defensive position. Using the slice approach shot effectively can disrupt your opponent's rhythm and give you the upper hand in the point.

Drive Approach Shot

The drive approach shot is a powerful and aggressive option that involves hitting the ball with pace and depth. By hitting a strong groundstroke or volley towards the baseline, you force your opponent to retreat and play defensively, setting up an opportunity for you to approach the net. This approach shot is particularly effective when playing against opponents who struggle with powerful shots, as it can push them out of their comfort zone.

When executing the drive approach shot, it is crucial to focus on your footwork and timing. By positioning yourself well and moving quickly towards the net, you can take advantage of the short reply your powerful shot creates. This shot is most effective on slower surfaces, such as clay or slow hard courts, where the bounce is higher and the ball stays in play longer.

Top-Spin Approach Shot

The top-spin approach shot combines power and spin to put your opponent under pressure. By hitting with top-spin, you create a high-bouncing ball that forces your opponent to adjust their positioning and timing. This shot allows you to approach the net while keeping control of the point.

The top-spin approach shot works best when hit deep into the court, giving your opponent less time to react and making it difficult for them to hit an attacking shot. It is crucial to generate enough topspin to ensure the ball dips downward after the bounce, making it challenging for your opponent to hit an effective passing shot. Mastering the top-spin approach shot can give you a significant advantage in dictating the pace and direction of the point.

Drop Shot as an Approach Shot

The drop shot is a deceptive approach shot that catches your opponent off guard. By delicately placing the ball just over the net with little power, you force your opponent to rush forward and play a difficult shot from a disadvantaged position. The drop shot can work effectively when your opponent is deep behind the baseline or when they expect a more aggressive shot.

Using the drop shot as an approach shot adds variety to your game, making it harder for your opponent to anticipate your next move. It requires precise touch and impeccable control, as hitting the drop shot too softly may allow your opponent to reach the ball easily, while hitting it too hard eliminates the element of surprise. Incorporating the drop shot as an approach shot can be a powerful tool to disrupt your opponent's rhythm and force them into uncomfortable situations.

Strategies for Successful Approach Shots

Despite being a crucial aspect of the game, approach shots are often overlooked by tennis players. Mastering the art of approach shots can greatly enhance your game and give you an edge over your opponents. In this chapter, we will explore various strategies and tips that will help you achieve success with your approach shots and control the outcome of your matches.

Decision-Making Process

When it comes to approach shots, making the right decisions is of utmost importance. Your decision-making process should be swift and calculated, taking into account the match situation, your strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent. The key is to assess the situation on the court quickly and accurately, allowing you to predict your opponent's response and adjust your shot accordingly.

During the decision-making process, it is crucial to identify the best shot to play based on the positioning of yourself, your opponent, and the ball. Analyze the court and consider a variety of factors such as court surface, weather conditions, your opponent's comfort zone, and your own strengths. By incorporating these elements into your decision-making process, you can strategically plan your approach shot and execute it with precision.

Targeting Weaknesses of the Opponent

Identifying and exploiting the weaknesses of your opponent is a strategic approach that can greatly enhance your chances of success with approach shots. Pay close attention to how your opponent moves on the court, their preferred shots, and their vulnerabilities. Look for patterns in their game and take note of any weaknesses you observe.

Once you have identified your opponent's weaknesses, strategically aim your approach shots towards those areas. For example, if you notice that your opponent struggles with backhand shots, target that side of the court with your approach shots. By exploiting their weaknesses, you will force your opponent into uncomfortable positions, putting you in a favorable position to control the rally and ultimately win the point.

Shot Selection Strategy

The key to successful approach shots lies in your shot selection strategy. You need to choose the most effective shot based on the specific situation on the court. Consider the height, depth, and angle of your shot to prevent your opponent from easily countering. It is essential to mix up your approach shots by incorporating topspin, slice, and flat shots to keep your opponent guessing and off balance.

Additionally, be aware of the potential dangers associated with certain shots. For instance, hitting a high topspin approach shot may provide you with a shorter ball to follow up with, but it can also expose you to a powerful passing shot from your opponent. By carefully considering the risks and rewards, you can make intelligent shot selections that maximize your chances of success.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve your approach shots and take your tennis game to the next level. Remember to adapt your decision-making process, exploit your opponent's weaknesses, and strategically select your shots. With practice and application of these techniques, you will become a formidable force on the court, dominating your matches with well-executed approach shots.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

However, even with the right technique and strategy, approach shots can still go awry if you make common mistakes. Identifying and rectifying these errors can significantly improve your overall tennis game. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the most prevalent mistakes players tend to make when executing approach shots, as well as provide strategies to help you avoid them.

Faulty Footwork

A common mistake that often leads to unsuccessful approach shots is faulty footwork. Your feet play a crucial role in maintaining balance, generating power, and positioning yourself properly for a successful shot. One of the most prevalent errors is slow footwork, where you fail to move quickly enough to reach the ball in time. This lack of agility hampers your ability to adjust your positioning and execute accurate shots.

To avoid this mistake, focus on improving your footwork. Work on your speed and agility by incorporating ladder drills, cone drills, and side shuffle exercises into your training routine. Additionally, practice split-step techniques, which involve hopping just before the opponent hits the ball. This technique allows you to quickly react to the shot and position yourself efficiently.

Incorrect Timing

Another mistake that can frequently occur during approach shots is incorrect timing. Tennis is a game of split-second decisions, and if your timing is off, it can lead to missed shots or weak returns. Timing is crucial for generating power and precision in your approach shots.

To improve your timing, focus on tracking the ball closely with your eyes and anticipating its trajectory. Be aware of your opponent's shot preparation and adjust your timing accordingly. Additionally, practice drills that simulate different ball speeds and spins to improve your overall timing skills. Developing a keen sense of timing in your approach shots will greatly enhance the effectiveness of your shots and increase your chances of success.

Misjudgment of the Ball's Direction

Misjudging the direction of the ball is another prevalent mistake that can affect the success of your approach shots. This error often occurs when players fail to accurately assess the ball's speed, spin, and trajectory. Correctly judging the ball's direction is essential for positioning yourself optimally and executing accurate shots.

To avoid this mistake, focus on improving your visual tracking skills. Train your eyes to precisely follow the ball from the opponent's racket to your side of the court. Learn to identify the spin and trajectory early on, allowing you to anticipate the ball's landing point and position yourself correctly. Regular practice drills that involve tracking the ball's path and making split-second decisions can greatly enhance your ability to judge the ball's direction accurately.

Overconfidence or Lack of Confidence

Overconfidence or lack of confidence can also become significant hurdles when it comes to executing successful approach shots. Confidence is vital to maintain a composed mindset and make split-second decisions effectively on the court.

If you tend to be overconfident, you may underestimate your opponent's abilities or become too complacent, leading to careless mistakes. On the other hand, if you lack confidence, you may become hesitant, second-guess your shots, and miss opportunities.

To strike the right balance, focus on building your confidence through deliberate practice and mental preparation. Visualize successful approach shots and imagine yourself executing them flawlessly. Set realistic goals and track your progress to boost your confidence gradually. Conversely, if overconfidence is an issue, remind yourself to stay focused, play smart, and respect your opponent's skills. Maintaining the right level of confidence will help you make better decisions and execute approach shots more effectively.

By addressing and rectifying these common mistakes in your approach shots, you can significantly improve your overall performance on the tennis court. Faulty footwork, incorrect timing, misjudgment of the ball's direction, and overconfidence or lack of confidence can all hinder your success. However, by focusing on these key areas and incorporating the suggested strategies, you can enhance your approach shots and achieve greater tennis success.

Training Techniques to Enhance Approach Shot Skills

Now that you understand the importance of approach shots in tennis, it's time to focus on training techniques that will help you improve this skill. By honing your footwork, ball striking abilities, and practicing game simulation drills, you can take your approach shots to the next level and increase your chances of tennis success.

Footwork Drills

To execute effective approach shots, having quick and precise footwork is crucial. Incorporating footwork drills into your training routine will enhance your agility, speed, and positioning on the court. One important drill is the "ladder drill." Set up a ladder on the ground and practice moving quickly through the rungs, focusing on proper foot placement and coordination. Another useful drill is the "cone drill," where you place cones along the baseline and practice moving side-to-side and forward-backward around them, simulating the movements required for approach shots. These drills will help you develop the necessary footwork skills to get into ideal positions and execute successful approach shots.

Ball Striking Drills

Effective ball striking is a fundamental aspect of executing approach shots. By practicing specific drills that focus on your ball striking technique, you can improve your ability to hit clean and accurate shots. One drill you can try is the "shadow swing drill." Stand in front of a mirror and shadow swing without a ball, focusing on your form, swing path, and contact point. This will help you refine your technique and make adjustments as needed. Another beneficial drill is the "target drill." Set up targets on the court, such as cones or marker flags, and aim to consistently hit your shots within those targets. By aiming for specific targets, you will develop better control and precision, which are essential for successful approach shots.

Game Simulation Drills

To truly excel in approach shots, it's essential to practice them in a realistic and game-like environment. Game simulation drills allow you to replicate the pressure and decision-making scenarios you'll encounter during matches. One effective drill is the "approach shot rally drill." Partner up with a fellow player and take turns hitting approach shots to each other. The goal is to maintain a rally by approaching the net and finishing the point with a well-executed shot. This drill will enhance your ability to make quick decisions, adapt to different shot situations, and improve your shot accuracy under pressure. Another beneficial drill is the "approach and volley drill." Start by hitting an approach shot, then quickly move to the net to volley the subsequent shot. This drill will improve your combination of approach shots and volleys, helping you become a more versatile player. When you devote time to these training techniques - footwork drills, ball striking drills, and game simulation drills - you'll notice a marked improvement in your approach shots. Remember to consistently practice these skills and challenge yourself to take them to the next level. By doing so, you'll enhance your overall game and increase your chances of achieving tennis success.

The Art of Approach Shots - Strategies and Tips for Tennis Success

Upon reflecting on the strategies and tips explored in this guide, it becomes clear that mastering approach shots is crucial for your tennis success. By carefully selecting the right shot type, aiming for consistency and depth, and anticipating your opponent's next move, you can gain a significant advantage on the court. It is important to remember that approach shots require a combination of skill, finesse, and mental agility. So, next time you step onto the court, keep these strategies in mind and watch as your approach shots become a powerful weapon in your tennis repertoire.


Q: What is the importance of approach shots in tennis?

A: Approach shots play a crucial role in tennis as they allow players to take control of the point and set themselves up for success. These shots are hit with the intention of approaching the net afterwards, putting pressure on the opponent and increasing the chances of winning the point. Mastering approach shots can give you an edge over your opponent and help you dictate the flow of the match.

Q: How can I choose the right approach shot?

A: The choice of approach shot depends on various factors such as the type of shot your opponent has just played, court positioning, and personal playing style. There are several options to consider, including hitting a deep and powerful groundstroke, a well-placed drop shot, or a slice shot that stays low to the net. Assessing these elements will help you select the most effective approach shot to maximize your chances of success.

Q: What strategies should I keep in mind while playing approach shots?

A: When playing approach shots, it is important to consider both offensive and defensive strategies. Offensively, aim to hit your shot deep into your opponent's court, creating a difficult response. This can be accomplished by using topspin and aiming towards the corners. Defensively, keep your approach shot low and close to the net to limit your opponent's options for an effective response. By implementing these strategies, you can maintain control of the point and increase your chances of coming out on top.

Q: How can I improve my approach shot technique?

A: Improving your approach shot technique requires practice and focus. Work on your footwork to ensure you are in the right position to execute the shot effectively. Maintain a strong and balanced stance, transferring your weight smoothly as you hit the ball. Practice different approach shot variations to expand your range of shots and increase your versatility on the court. Additionally, seek feedback from a coach or experienced player to identify areas for improvement and refine your technique.

Q: What role does anticipation play in executing successful approach shots?

A: Anticipation is a key component of executing successful approach shots. By reading your opponent's shot selection and court positioning, you can anticipate where the ball will likely land and prepare yourself to approach the net. Anticipating correctly allows you to move quickly and get into an ideal position to hit a strong approach shot. Developing your ability to anticipate will enhance your overall performance and enable you to make smart decisions during crucial moments of the match.