What are the basic rules of tennis that I should teach my kids?

Teach your kids the basic rules of tennis, including scoring, serving, and court boundaries, for their development and safety on the court. on the court.

A toddler holding a tennis ball in a play ground

Photo by Anshu A / Unsplash

Ensuring that your kids grasp the fundamental rules of tennis is essential for their development in the sport. Teaching them the basics of the game will not only help them play better, but it will also ensure their safety on the court. There are several key rules that every budding tennis player should know, such as scoring, serving, and the boundaries of the court. By instilling these rules in your kids from an early age, you are setting them up for success and creating a solid foundation for their tennis skills to grow.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scoring: Teach your kids the scoring system for tennis, which involves counting points, games, and sets. Make sure they understand the concept of deuce, advantage, and tiebreakers.

  • Rules of play: Instruct your kids on the basic rules of tennis, such as serving, returning, and hitting the ball within the boundaries of the court. Emphasize the importance of fair play and good sportsmanship.

  • Court etiquette: Teach your kids about proper behavior on the tennis court, including respecting opponents, following the rules, and handling both victory and defeat with grace. Encourage them to have fun and enjoy the game while also being respectful of others.

Understanding the Basic Rules of Tennis

Some of the basic rules of tennis that you should teach your kids include understanding how the game is played, the scoring system, and court boundaries. A great resource for teaching tennis to children 10 and under can be found in the TEACHING TENNIS TO CHILDREN 10 UNDER guide provided by the USTA.

How to Explain the Scoring System

When teaching your children the scoring system in tennis, it's important to break it down in a clear and concise manner. You should explain that a game is made up of points, with the first point scored being 15, the second point being 30, the third point being 40, and the fourth point resulting in winning the game. If the score reaches 40-40, it's called deuce, and a player must win two consecutive points to win the game. This is an essential part of the game that your children should understand to fully enjoy playing tennis.

Tips on Teaching Court Boundaries and Player Positions

When teaching your kids about court boundaries and player positions, it's important to emphasize the importance of staying within the lines and moving quickly and efficiently to reach the ball. You can start by explaining the doubles sidelines and the serving boxes to help them understand where they should be positioned during play. It's also important to teach them about the deuce court and the ad court, as well as the net area and baseline. This will help them understand where they need to be during a match. This will help them understand where they need to be during a match. Additionally, you can set up drills and games to help them practice staying within the boundaries and maintaining their positions on the court.

  • Emphasize the importance of staying within the lines

  • Teach them about doubles sidelines and serving boxes

  • Explain the deuce court and ad court

  • Set up drills and games to help them practice

This knowledge of court boundaries and player positions will help your children become well-rounded tennis players and understand the dynamics of the game better.

Essential Tennis Skills to Teach Kids

Obviously, teaching your kids the essential tennis skills is crucial for their development in the sport. It is important to start with the basics, such as the grip, stance, and swing. For more information on the basics of tennis, you can refer to The Basics of Tennis | Tennis 101 | Tennis Rules for a comprehensive guide.

Factors to Consider when Teaching Tennis Strokes

When teaching tennis strokes to your kids, it is important to consider several factors. First, ensure that they have a proper grip on the racket to maximize control and power. Secondly, focus on the stance and body positioning to enable an effective swing and follow through. Lastly, emphasize the importance of timing and coordination to ensure that your kids can hit the ball accurately. Perceiving these factors will help your kids develop strong and efficient tennis strokes.

How-to Guide on Serving Rules and Techniques

Teaching your kids how to serve in tennis is crucial for their overall game. This involves understanding the rules of serving, such as the correct positioning, ball toss, and footwork. Additionally, teaching them the proper techniques, such as the continental grip and fluid motion, will help them develop a reliable and powerful serve. By focusing on these aspects, your kids can master the serving aspect of tennis and gain a competitive edge.

Fostering Sportsmanship and Fair Play

After teaching your kids the basic rules and techniques of tennis, it's important to emphasize the values of sportsmanship and fair play. These are critical components of the game that will not only help them become better players, but also better individuals. According to Tennis Basics for Children- What you need to Know, instilling these principles at a young age will lay the foundation for a lifelong love of the sport and the development of character traits such as respect, integrity, and empathy.

Explaining the Importance of Respect and Honesty in Tennis

Respect and honesty are essential in tennis. It's important to explain to your kids that showing respect means treating opponents, coaches, and officials with courtesy, regardless of the outcome of the match. Likewise, honesty is crucial in acknowledging when a point is won or lost, even if it means admitting a mistake. Emphasize that without these values, the game loses its integrity and true spirit.

Tips on Encouraging Healthy Competition

When teaching your kids about competition, it's crucial to highlight the concept of healthy competition. Encourage them to strive for their best performance rather than solely focusing on winning. Remind them that every opponent deserves respect and that fair play should always be the priority. To further instill this mindset, consider creating a brief list of guidelines such as shaking hands after every match, acknowledging good shots from opponents, and avoiding unsportsmanlike behavior. Recognizing that winning at all costs is not the ultimate goal fosters a positive and enriching experience on the court for everyone involved.


Upon reflecting on the basic rules of tennis that you should teach your kids, it is important to emphasize the fundamental skills and etiquette of the game. By teaching them the rules of serving, scoring, and proper court conduct, you are instilling in them the foundational knowledge needed to play and enjoy the game of tennis. Emphasizing the importance of fair play, respect for opponents, and adherence to the rules will not only help them become better players, but also develop a deeper appreciation for the sport. Ultimately, by teaching your kids the basic rules of tennis, you are setting them up for a lifetime of enjoyment on the court.


Q: What are the basic rules of tennis that I should teach my kids?

A: The basic rules of tennis that should be taught to kids include understanding the court boundaries, scoring system, and serving rules. Kids should also be taught about the importance of fair play and good sportsmanship on the court.

Q: What are the court boundaries in tennis?

A: In tennis, the court is divided into two halves by the net. The baseline marks the back boundary of the court, while the sidelines mark the sides. Kids should understand that the ball must be hit within these boundaries for it to be considered in play.

Q: Can you explain the scoring system in tennis to kids?

A: The scoring system in tennis uses terms like love, 15, 30, and 40 to track points. Kids should be taught that a player must win four points to win a game, and must win six games to win a set. They should also understand the concept of deuce and advantage points in a game.