What are the most common types of shots in squash and how do I execute them?

Elevate your squash game with essential shot types and execution tips to outmaneuver opponents and dominate the court.

Photo by Dennis Schmidt / Unsplash

You’ve probably seen top squash players execute some incredible shots on the court, and you may be wondering how you can incorporate those moves into your own game. Understanding the fundamental types of shots in squash and learning how to execute them effectively can take your game to the next level. In this blog post, we will explore the most common types of shots in squash and provide you with tips and techniques on how to improve your execution. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enhance your skills or an experienced player aiming to sharpen your game, mastering these shots will undoubtedly elevate your performance on the court.

Key Takeaways:

  • Most common shots: The most common types of shots in squash are the drive, the boast, and the drop shot. The drive is a powerful shot that aims to hit the ball low and hard to the back of the court. The boast is a shot that hits the side wall before reaching the front wall, and the drop shot is a delicate shot that aims to hit the ball softly to the front of the court.

  • Execution: To execute these shots effectively, it is important to have good footwork, proper racket positioning, and timing. For the drive, focus on a strong backswing and follow through. For the boast, angle your racket to hit the side wall first and then the front wall. For the drop shot, use soft hands and a short swing to delicately place the ball in the front of the court.

  • Practice and variation: To master these shots, it is essential to practice them regularly and vary your shots to keep opponents guessing. Work on your accuracy, power, and control to become proficient in executing these common types of shots in squash.

Basic Shots in Squash

Even if you're a beginner in squash, it's important to familiarize yourself with the basic shots in the game. By mastering these shots, you'll be able to effectively maneuver the ball in the court and gain an upper hand over your opponent. Let's take a closer look at two fundamental shots in squash: the drive and the boast.

The Drive

When executing the drive in squash, you want to hit the ball with a flat racket face, creating a straight shot down the side walls of the court. This shot is a crucial part of your offensive game, as it allows you to keep your opponent deep in the court, putting them on the defensive. The drive should be executed with precise control and accuracy, aiming to hit the ball with power and speed. By keeping your opponent at the back of the court, you restrict their ability to move forward and take control of the T, giving you the advantage in the rally. It's essential to maintain a strong and steady stance while executing the drive, using your entire body to generate power and control. Mastering the drive will help you to dominate the game and keep the pressure on your opponent.

The Boast

Another important shot in squash is the boast, which involves hitting the ball into the front wall at a very shallow angle. The boast is a defensive shot that's used to take your opponent by surprise and change the direction of play. By hitting the ball low and close to the side wall, you can force your opponent into awkward positions and create opportunities to gain control of the T. The boast can be a valuable tool in maintaining the rhythm of the game and catching your opponent off guard. It's important to vary the angle and height of your boast to keep your opponent guessing and make it difficult for them to anticipate your next move. By incorporating the boast into your game, you can effectively disrupt your opponent's strategy and gain the upper hand in the match.

Defensive Shots

Not all the shots in squash are about attacking your opponent. Sometimes, you need to defend your position and buy yourself some time to get back in control of the game. Defensive shots are crucial for any squash player to master, and they can make all the difference in a close match.

The Lob

When you find yourself under pressure from your opponent and struggling to keep up with the pace of the game, the lob can be a lifesaver. This shot involves hitting the ball high up on the front wall, allowing it to bounce deep into the back of the court. The trajectory of the shot makes it difficult for your opponent to attack, giving you the time and space you need to regain your composure and get back into a strong position. Remember to focus on the accuracy and timing of your shot to catch your opponent off guard and gain the upper hand in the rally.

The Drop Shot

Another essential defensive shot to have in your arsenal is the drop shot. This shot is played with finesse, as you gently tap the ball to make it fall close to the front wall and just over the tin, making it difficult for your opponent to reach. The drop shot can catch your opponent off guard and force them to cover more ground, putting them on the back foot and allowing you to take control of the rally. Timing and precision are crucial when executing a successful drop shot, so practice this shot regularly to improve your accuracy and keep your opponent guessing.

Remember, mastering defensive shots is just as important as perfecting your attacking shots in squash. By using the lob and drop shot effectively, you can turn the tables on your opponent and gain the upper hand in any rally. Keep practicing and refining your defensive shots to become a well-rounded and formidable squash player. Stay focused, and don't underestimate the power of defensive play!

Attacking Shots

For the attacking shots, it's important to have a strong understanding of the basic shots in squash. If you haven't yet, you can check out this article on 4 Super Easy And Basic Shots That Every Squash ... to get you started. Once you have these foundational techniques down, you can start incorporating attacking shots into your game.

The Kill Shot

The kill shot is one of the most powerful and aggressive shots in squash. It involves hitting the ball low and at a fast pace, aimed to hit the front wall and then die in the corner. This shot is crucial for putting your opponent under pressure and forcing them to cover a lot of ground. To execute a kill shot, you need to position yourself well and use your wrist to generate a lot of power, making it difficult for your opponent to return.

The Volley

The volley is another aggressive and quick shot in squash. It involves hitting the ball before it bounces on the floor. This shot is effective for catching your opponent off guard and gaining control of the game. By mastering the volley, you'll be able to dictate the pace of play and keep your opponent on the defensive, giving you the upper hand in the match.

Advanced Shot Techniques

To improve your squash game, you need to master advanced shot techniques. These shots can give you a competitive edge and help you outmaneuver your opponent. Below, we will discuss some of the most essential advanced shot techniques and how you can execute them effectively.

  1. Deceptive Shots

    Deceptive shots are a crucial part of your arsenal on the squash court. By deceiving your opponent with the direction or pace of your shots, you can catch them off guard and create openings to put the ball away. To execute deceptive shots effectively, you can mix up the pace and trajectory of your shots, and use your body positioning to make it difficult for your opponent to read your intentions. This can give you a significant advantage in a match and keep your opponent guessing.

  2. The Nick Shot

    The Nick shot, also known as the "dying length" shot, is a highly effective technique when executed properly. By hitting the ball at just the right angle and pace, you can make the ball hug the side wall as it travels to the front wall, making it extremely difficult for your opponent to retrieve. The Nick shot, when played accurately, can put immense pressure on your opponent and often result in winning points for you.


With these considerations in mind, you now have a good understanding of the most common types of shots in squash and how to execute them. By practicing and mastering these shots, you will be able to improve your overall game and strategy on the court. Remember to focus on your technique, footwork, and positioning to ensure that you can consistently execute these shots effectively. As you continue to develop your skills, you will find that these shots become valuable tools in your arsenal, allowing you to control the pace and flow of the game as you strive for victory. Keep practicing and honing your skills, and you will soon become a formidable opponent on the squash court.


Q: What are the most common types of shots in squash?

A: The most common types of shots in squash include the drive, boast, drop shot, and volley. Each shot is executed with a specific technique and is used strategically to outmaneuver your opponent on the court.

Q: How do I execute a drive shot in squash?

A: To execute a drive shot in squash, position yourself with your dominant foot slightly ahead of your non-dominant foot and swing your racket with a smooth, controlled motion. Make contact with the ball in front of your body and follow through with the swing to propel the ball toward the front wall with speed and accuracy.

Q: What is the technique for a drop shot in squash?

A: To execute a drop shot in squash, lightly grip your racket and use a short, controlled swing to gently tap the ball just above the tin. The ball should drop close to the front wall, making it difficult for your opponent to reach and return. Focus on accuracy and finesse when executing a drop shot.